Our Services
With our focus on helping traumatized children and youths, our programs are fine-tuned towards helping these people heal and grow with their families and in their community.
We service dozens of counties throughout the state of Georgia.
Family-Based Services
Family-Based Services
Counseling / Therapy
Our team of professionals identify the problem, provide counsel to concerned parties and employ tools that help them to be better version of themselves. Depending on the problem at hand, our licensed psychotherapists employ the trauma-informed approach, cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approach or any other evidence-based approach to treat and heal the family. We reduce negativity in families and ensure that family members support themselves

Family-Based Services
Crisis Intervention
During a period of extreme emotional, behavioral and mental distress, we provide immediate help to individuals and families. Our team of professionals conduct an action assessment, identify the problems that triggered the crisis, foster the exploration of feelings and introduce the use of situation-specific coping strategies to keep the client safe.
Family-Based Services
Parent Education
With parents serving as the first social factor, we provide programs that focus on improving parent’s behavior and practices. We ensure that parents practice positive rather than negative discipline techniques and we also ensure that they promote positive interaction with their children while leveraging on community resources and supports.

Family-Based Services
Parent Aide
At Untapped Potentials, we provide parenting education through parent aides to parents. These aides function as a model to parents, thus helping parents to deal with daily activities and challenges. Our professional parent aides teach parents certain parenting techniques that sort the needs of their families
Community-Based Services
Court Appearance/Testimony
We also ensure that foster families are made to appear in court in case of any irregularities.
All through the school year, we provide transportation to children and youths through our partner school to their houses. We provide free transportation for students when carrying out various community projects and learning activities.

Behavioral Aide
For children and youths who have undesirable behavioral traits, our team of professionals assess the behavior, discuss the behavioral traits with their family and teachers, then create a behavioral adjustable plan to change their behavior, thus helping the child to interact in a well-behaved manner. Our behavioral aide program helps the child to become a better person at home and in school.